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Resilient Economics I
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 3955 visits
Three Possible Economic Models (Part 1) BY JAMAIS CASCIO
Resilient Economics II
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 3447 visits
Three Possible Economic Models (Part II) BY JAMAIS CASCIO
Primer on Economic Sectors
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 5357 visits
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 3811 visits
The Concept of Resilience BY JAMAIS CASCIO
What is Living and What Is Dead In Social Democracy?
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 2377 visits
Tony Judt explores the problems faced by social democrats as the right systematically dismantles the achievements of their predecessors.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 2773 visits
Policy Progress
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 2202 visits
Crises of Capitalism
Created 30/11/-0001 - Interesting Links - 2079 visits
In this short RSA Animate, radical sociologist David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism, towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that could be responsible, just and humane.
Motu Working Papers
Created 29/01/2013 - Interesting Links - 1168 visits
The state of civics education in NZ
Created 17/02/2014 - Interesting Links - 1704 visits
Di White is an Auckland-based legal advisor, freelance writer, and member of criminal justice reform organisation JustSpeak.
What would a viable left-wing populist agenda for the UK look like?
Created 17/02/2014 - Interesting Links - 2112 visits
Striking a better balance: The 2014 State of the Nation Report
Created 20/02/2014 - Interesting Links - 2101 visits
The Salvation Army releases its latest annual State of the Nation report reviewing social progress in New Zealand entitled, Striking a Better Balance.
Free Trade - Ideology vs Reality
Created 23/02/2014 - Interesting Links - 1697 visits
GERMS in Education
Created 24/02/2014 - Interesting Links - 1455 visits
Norman Kirk - The Mighty Totara
Created 10/03/2014 - Interesting Links - 1834 visits
A new biography of Norman Kirk expands on his short life from leaving school at 12 to becoming one of NZ's most loved PMs, before dying at just 51.
Vanuatu PM raises West Papua in Geneva
Created 10/03/2014 - Interesting Links - 1398 visits
Bringing SOPA to the TPPA
Created 12/03/2014 - Interesting Links - 1533 visits
The machinery to dominate global intellectual property by American fiat was further tightened by the announcement of Robert Holleyman’s as deputy US trade representative.
Hidden Rules of Time & Money - Ruby Payne
Created 28/03/2014 - Interesting Links - 1593 visits
How You, I, and Everyone Got the Top 1 Percent All Wrong
Created 31/03/2014 - Interesting Links - 1800 visits
Capitalism simply isn't working and here are the reasons why
Created 14/04/2014 - Interesting Links - 1966 visits
Economist Thomas Piketty's message is bleak: the gap between rich and poor threatens to destroy us 
Coalition for Better Broadcasting
Created 14/04/2014 - Interesting Links - 1254 visits
The Coalition for Better Broadcasting is a non-profit charitable trust that promotes public service broadcasting and media. We need Members to join us in the fight to retain Radio NZ and get back public service television.
Thomas Piketty and Millennial Marxists on the Scourge of Inequality
Created 21/04/2014 - Interesting Links - 2496 visits
Corroding the Welfare State: a Look Inside the Big Society
Created 21/04/2014 - Interesting Links - 1777 visits
Thomas Piketty On The US Wealth Divide
Created 21/04/2014 - Interesting Links - 1907 visits
Bernie Sanders Asks Fed Chair Whether the US Is an Oligarchy
Created 09/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1549 visits
CPAG Budget Breakfasts
Created 14/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1343 visits
North & South: Key ≈ Muldoon?
Created 14/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 2742 visits
It's Our Future NZ - TPPA Bulletin #49
Created 14/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1316 visits
Tiny plastic timebomb - the pollutants in our cosmetics
Created 18/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1501 visits
The Piketty Effect in NZ
Created 19/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1493 visits
Swis referndum on money creation by banks
Created 21/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1565 visits
Elizabeth Warren Reveals Inside Details of Trade Talks
Created 22/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1485 visits
Peter Lyons: Truth a casualty in Orwellian economy
Created 29/05/2014 - Interesting Links - 1537 visits
What Happens When Low Wage Workers Get a Living Wage?
Created 11/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1308 visits
Why Seattle’s Minimum-Wage Hike Is Good for Business and the Economy
Created 11/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1428 visits
Child Poverty in New Zealand
Created 12/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1131 visits
Elizabeth Warren & Thomas Piketty on Inequality in America
Created 13/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1397 visits
UK Police Spied on Greens
Created 17/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1191 visits
Who's in control – nation states or global corporations?
Created 18/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1391 visits
No more secret treaties
Created 20/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1142 visits
Campaign for Better Broadcasting Newsletter
Created 22/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1176 visits
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…
Created 25/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 2850 visits
International comparison of health systems. NZ performs poorly on equity.
HOT AIR - climate change politics in New Zealand
Created 26/06/2014 - Interesting Links - 1422 visits
A new documentary by Alister Barry & Abi King-Jones HOT AIR will be screening in the upcoming New Zealand International Film Festival in Wellington, Auckland, Dunedin, Christchurch, Hamilton & Palmerston North. See web site for session dates & times.
The NSA targets the privacy-conscious
Created 04/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1221 visits
The god that sucked: How the Tea Party right just makes the 1 percent richer
Created 07/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1367 visits
The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism
Created 09/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 2008 visits
Winter Lectures 2014 - University of Auckland
Created 09/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1325 visits
It's Our Future NZ - TPPA Bulletin #52
Created 15/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1388 visits
Hacking Online Polls & Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet
Created 15/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1165 visits
Edward Snowden should not face trial, says UN human rights commissioner
Created 20/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1458 visits
Campaign of Better Broadcasting Public Meetings
Created 22/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1464 visits
The Gratuitous Injustice of American Tipping Culture
Created 23/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1199 visits
Poor doors: the segregation of London's inner-city flat dwellers
Created 27/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 1971 visits
Australian Govt to forbid NGO advocacy
Created 28/07/2014 - Interesting Links - 2185 visits
The Great Climate Voter Debate 2014
Created 05/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1630 visits
CPAG Discussion Series - Part 3: Housing & Poverty
Created 05/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 3582 visits
Why do we still honour free-market intellectuals?
Created 05/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 2143 visits
Chomsky on Hiroshima Day
Created 07/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1287 visits
Project New Zealand: Sustainable Business Network's 2014 Conference
Created 11/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 4474 visits
Robert Chapman Lecture: Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century
Created 12/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1340 visits
TPP: No Certification
Created 13/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1362 visits
Secrets and spies? Nicky Hager’s new book to be launched at Unity tonight
Created 13/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1545 visits
After all state assets have been privatised, data is the next target
Created 20/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1925 visits
Progressive alternatives: politics, policy and practice
Created 20/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1181 visits
Beyond The Free Market: Rebuilding A Just Society In New Zealand
Created 20/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1438 visits
How the War on Terror Created the World’s Most Powerful Terror Group
Created 21/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1387 visits
Just because you're xenophobic doesn't mean foreigners aren't out to get you
Created 21/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1811 visits
The whale that swallowed New Zealand's election campaign
Created 23/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1613 visits
Military Intelligence…
Created 24/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1102 visits
Decision 2014 Part 1
Created 25/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1307 visits
Snoopman News
Created 25/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 3330 visits
TPPA Bulletin #54 UPDATED
Created 26/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1096 visits
The Auckland Broadcasting Debate
Created 29/08/2014 - Interesting Links - 1575 visits
Chris Barton: Technology makes corruption possible
Created 02/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1417 visits
Max Rashbrooke - Where are you on the income ladder? An exciting new tool
Created 02/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1102 visits
In the beginning, people created govt…
Created 03/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1244 visits
At the end of the day, we DO care!
Created 09/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1892 visits
PAY 2 PLAY: Democracy's High Stakes
Created 10/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1279 visits
This is Inequality
Created 14/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1484 visits
Trickle-down NZ
Created 14/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1327 visits
Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything
Created 17/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1800 visits
TPPA Bulletin #55
Created 23/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1151 visits
The Winter Of Content
Created 24/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1886 visits
Drawing the poison
Created 29/09/2014 - Interesting Links - 1304 visits
Political donations corrupt democracy in ways you might not realise
Created 01/10/2014 - Interesting Links - 2333 visits
Legal fund for Nicky Hager
Created 07/10/2014 - Interesting Links - 1445 visits
TPPA Bulletin #56
Created 09/10/2014 - Interesting Links - 1276 visits
Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us
Created 13/10/2014 - Interesting Links - 1436 visits
Naomi Klein: Writing on the wall
Created 28/10/2014 - Interesting Links - 1344 visits
TPPA - November - Nationwide Rallies
Created 05/11/2014 - Interesting Links - 1156 visits
TTIP & the NHS
Created 22/11/2014 - Interesting Links - 1220 visits
Whitlam, the 1960s and the program
Created 22/11/2014 - Interesting Links - 1582 visits
Is NZ's Innovation Policy Too Elitist?
Created 08/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1150 visits
Britain convulsed by its dirty secret in wake of CIA torture report
Created 13/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1837 visits
The World's Dumbest Idea
Created 13/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1175 visits
Mike Joy's Jesson Lecture Available
Created 14/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1325 visits
2014 Jesson Awards Announced
Created 14/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1127 visits
How New Zealand's rich-poor divide killed its egalitarian paradise
Created 15/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1523 visits
Must watch: Elizabeth Warren blasts Citigroup
Created 17/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1554 visits
Anti-trade deal protest at EU falls on deaf ears
Created 21/12/2014 - Interesting Links - 1324 visits
Money Logging
Created 07/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1188 visits
Sanders on the TPP
Created 07/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1169 visits
John Moore: How the left has failed Charlie Hebdo
Created 12/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1309 visits
How inequality made these Western countries poorer
Created 18/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1134 visits
Democrats Pan Obama’s Trade Talk in His State of the Union
Created 22/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1589 visits
Syriza stood up to the money men – the UK left must do the same
Created 26/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1418 visits
Greece shows what can happen when the young revolt against corrupt elites
Created 26/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1398 visits
The People vs the Political Class
Created 26/01/2015 - Interesting Links - 1439 visits
We came, we saw, he died - Jackson Lears on Hilary Clinton's Biography
Created 05/02/2015 - Interesting Links - 1892 visits
The State of NZ News Media
Created 06/02/2015 - Interesting Links - 1499 visits
TPPA National Day of Action 7 March
Created 12/02/2015 - Interesting Links - 1166 visits
What ISIS Really Wants
Created 22/02/2015 - Interesting Links - 1224 visits
Child Poverty Action Group Blog
Created 25/02/2015 - Interesting Links - 1859 visits
The detachment of young people from the political process…
Created 26/02/2015 - Interesting Links - 2281 visits
Elizabeth Warren on TPPA Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Created 01/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1204 visits
Even the Cato Institute criticises TPPA ISDS
Created 01/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 2418 visits
Thomas Piketty Calls Out Republican 'Hypocrisy' On Income Inequality
Created 13/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1158 visits
US Senator Warren on TTPA
Created 13/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1700 visits
Why Labour is in crisis throughout the Anglosphere
Created 22/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1978 visits
The Curse of Lee Kuan Yew
Created 24/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1283 visits
The Age of Acquiescence
Created 24/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1677 visits
The British Left is out of Ideas
Created 24/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1305 visits
Why Mass Surveillance Can't, Won't, And Never Has Stopped A Terrorist
Created 24/03/2015 - Interesting Links - 1583 visits
Entries open for 2015 Jesson journalism awards
Created 02/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1446 visits
What Exactly is Neoliberalism?
Created 03/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1362 visits
Electronic Voting Anomalies
Created 07/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1466 visits
CPAG Post Budget Breakfasts
Created 07/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1607 visits
Another Investor State Disputes Process…
Created 12/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1150 visits
The Populist Moment Has Finally Arrived
Created 13/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1336 visits
A property-owning democracy…
Created 20/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1365 visits
All change in Scotland?
Created 20/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1193 visits
Frances Joychild QC on the fading star of the Rule of Law
Created 22/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1674 visits
Warren lashes back at Obama on trade
Created 23/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1669 visits
Have We Seen the End of the Eight-Hour Day?
Created 23/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1634 visits
Ruth, Roger and Me
Created 26/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 2051 visits
Why privatisation is the key to the [UK] election
Created 28/04/2015 - Interesting Links - 1351 visits
Gordon Campbell on why Miliband will be the next British PM
Created 05/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1015 visits
Social Democracy on the Prairie
Created 07/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1484 visits
Bye Bye Labour?
Created 09/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1206 visits
Science confirms: Politics wrecks your ability to do math
Created 10/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1691 visits
Income Gap at the Polls
Created 11/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1483 visits
Gordon Campbell on the death knell for the TPP
Created 13/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1049 visits
Media Pub Chat
Created 13/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1202 visits
Shell Oil’s Cold Calculations for a Warming World
Created 19/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1492 visits
Elizabeth Warren: I Haven't Spoken With Obama About His Secretive Trade Deal
Created 20/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1263 visits
This New Labour revival could end with a party split
Created 21/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1442 visits
Liz Kendall to punch UK's last coal miner
Created 23/05/2015 - Interesting Links - 1562 visits
New data shows school “reformers” are full of it
Created 03/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1654 visits
Negative Gearing not just an NZ Problem
Created 10/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 4223 visits
Light-handed regulation of the supermarket duopoly costs NZ'ers dearly
Created 12/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 3957 visits
O'Sullivan on Safety Reforms
Created 12/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1073 visits
House Rejects Trade Bill, Rebuffing Obama’s Dramatic Appeal
Created 12/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1225 visits
Gordon Campbell on today’s showdown over Obama’s TPP agenda
Created 17/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1018 visits
Naomi Klein - Climate Change Is a Crisis We Can Only Solve Together
Created 19/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1150 visits
Amartya Sen: The economic consequences of austerity
Created 19/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1455 visits
Ross Ashcroft: economics and Europe
Created 20/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1163 visits
Child Poverty Action Group Newsletter
Created 21/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1367 visits
My fix for the housing crisis: ban ownership by foreign non-residents
Created 22/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1291 visits
Australian Productivity Commission on trade agreements
Created 25/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1114 visits
Call Your MP And Say #TPPANoWay
Created 26/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1123 visits
Joseph Stiglitz: how I would vote in the Greek referendum
Created 30/06/2015 - Interesting Links - 1396 visits
UK Gets Ironic by Spying on Amnesty International
Created 02/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 4967 visits
Of Clowns and Treasurers
Created 08/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 3135 visits
Jane Kelsey - The FIRE Economy - Book Launch - AK/WN/CH
Created 10/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 2021 visits
Hillary Clinton Puts Paycheck Feminism at the Center of Her Economic Agenda
Created 13/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 2714 visits
Vultures are already circling Athens now the Troika is in charge
Created 14/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1187 visits
Merkel 'gambling away' Germany's reputation over Greece, says Habermas
Created 17/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1610 visits
The property challenge
Created 21/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1137 visits
Get Smart - the Intelligence Review
Created 22/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1067 visits
The Pencilsword: Who's afraid of the TPPA?
Created 28/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1503 visits
Is democracy threatened if companies can sue countries?
Created 28/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 2087 visits
Jane Kelsey: Labour needs to stand firm on TPPA
Created 28/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1147 visits
Government is Hiding the Truth Behind the Serco Debate
Created 29/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1078 visits
TPP Leak: SOE Issues for Ministerial Guidance
Created 30/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 1170 visits
NBR Rich Lister calls out the super wealthy
Created 31/07/2015 - Interesting Links - 2475 visits
Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an "Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery"
Created 01/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1268 visits
Socialism, American-Style
Created 04/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1417 visits
Win or lose, Jeremy Corbyn has already changed the rules of the game
Created 06/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1415 visits
Book Review: Masters of the Universe, Slaves of the Market
Created 08/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1237 visits
Auckland CPAG Summit - Welfare fit for families in a changing world
Created 09/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1355 visits
Step it Up 2015
Created 18/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1305 visits
The middle ground is a magic mountain that retreats as you approach - Monbiot
Created 19/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1465 visits
This is why we shouldn’t expect a financial return on social programs.
Created 19/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1711 visits
Created 20/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1579 visits
Jane Kelsey on the FIRE Economy - Recording 050815 WGTN Event
Created 23/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1224 visits
Jeremy Corbyn has reminded Labour at last why austerity must be opposed
Created 24/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1436 visits
Peter Lyons: Nothing but spin coming from our Government
Created 31/08/2015 - Interesting Links - 1225 visits
Channel 9 Censorship of anti-TPP ad in Australia
Created 12/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1382 visits
Gordon Campbell on Corbyn, Trump and outsider politics
Created 15/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1154 visits
The Bullshit and Myths of Online Voting
Created 18/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1415 visits
Rod Oram: Silver Fern Farms' Chinese deal poses risks
Created 19/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1335 visits
2015 Bruce Jesson Lecture
Created 22/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 938 visits
Take a bow, taxpayers of Australia
Created 27/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1195 visits
The Corbyn earthquake – how Labour was shaken to its foundations
Created 27/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1511 visits
Prison Privatisation - Auckland Forum Wednesday 30 September
Created 28/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1082 visits
NAFTA ruling in Nova Scotia quarry case sparks fears for future settlements
Created 29/09/2015 - Interesting Links - 1732 visits
Defence Force settle defamation action with Jon Stephenson
Created 01/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1760 visits
Consumer: Why we back TPPA court action
Created 02/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1144 visits
Stiglitz - The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade
Created 03/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1498 visits
CPAG Summit Welfare fit for families
Created 03/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1009 visits
2015 Bruce Jesson Lecture next Wed 14 October
Created 10/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1092 visits
The era of cheap labour is over
Created 13/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1436 visits
Rod Oram’s 2015 Bruce Jesson Lecture
Created 19/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 956 visits
Exxon Knew Everything
Created 21/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1371 visits
Surveillance film & Living Wage report win 2015 Jesson Awards
Created 23/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 905 visits
Inside The Hunt For Rawshark - The Hager Raid Court File
Created 24/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1595 visits
The Problem With Tying Health Care To Trade
Created 24/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1487 visits
Jane Kelsey responds to Catherine Beard’s pro TPPA column
Created 27/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1278 visits
Gordon Campbell on copyright, the Authors Guild case & TPPA
Created 28/10/2015 - Interesting Links - 1066 visits
How the banks ignored the lessons of the crash
Created 03/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1181 visits
The gathering financial storm is just one effect of corporate power unbound
Created 05/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1599 visits
The Values of Everything
Created 05/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1559 visits
Old, but important… (1/2)
Taking the red pill: A 10-stop tour of Common Cause
Created 05/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1045 visits
Old, but important…(2/2)
Lisa Owen interviews Wealth and New Zealand author Max Rashbrooke
Created 08/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 921 visits
New wealth inequality book published today
Created 09/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 928 visits
Above the Parapet - a BWB Books Event
Created 09/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 944 visits
Test Link
Created 13/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1291 visits
IKA Salon with Robert Wade
Created 20/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1187 visits
Ann Pettifor on woman economists and macroeconomics
Created 20/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1146 visits
The Big Idea That Could Bring Disaffected Voters Back to the Polls
Created 23/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1581 visits
Woolworths: Profiting From Poverty
Created 24/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1087 visits
Activation or redistribution? The mystery of tax credits
Created 24/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 3185 visits
Land tax best fix for housing crisis
Created 24/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1288 visits
The shadowy world of tax avoidance specialists
Created 24/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1182 visits
Electoral Reform Society warns over funding cut for opposition parties
Created 27/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1278 visits
With Love and Hope. We #ClimateMarch (28th in NZ)
Created 27/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1061 visits
Things That Can And Cannot Be Said
Created 29/11/2015 - Interesting Links - 1203 visits
Four Futures
Created 02/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1874 visits
Jeremy Corbyn now abandoned by everyone apart from ‘voters’
Created 05/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1314 visits
Syrian children devastated pro-bombing Labour MPs feel bullied
Created 05/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1081 visits
Coverage of lobbyists questioned
Created 16/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1132 visits
The great Tory power grab: how they plan to rule for ever
Created 22/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1370 visits
The 'No Fly List' operates in secret, and its power to exclude is vast
Created 24/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1574 visits
Extraditing Kim Dotcom
Created 30/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1056 visits
Not a bad place to be in a disordered world
Created 30/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 963 visits
Is Uber ripping off its drivers?
Created 31/12/2015 - Interesting Links - 1296 visits
A generation of failed politicians has trapped the west in a tawdry nightmare
Created 01/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 1187 visits
Michael Moore just exploded the right’s biggest lie
Created 04/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 1054 visits
Why This Socialist Feminist Is Not Voting for Hillary
Created 07/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 960 visits
The lack of access to justice is a national disgrace
Created 17/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 1149 visits
Make a submission to improve NZ housing
Created 18/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 807 visits
Research paper: The Economics of the TPPA
Created 22/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 890 visits
Now the bankers’ triumph is complete
Created 23/01/2016 - Interesting Links - 1149 visits
TPPA Facts
Created 03/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 1075 visits
A Practical Vision of a More Equal Society
Created 05/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 1292 visits
Fourth Industrial Revolution brings promise and peril for humanity
Created 08/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 1255 visits
TPPA - Obsolete at Birth
Created 17/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 808 visits
Open Government: Failure
Created 19/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 822 visits
New Paper on TPPA Shows Serious Impacts on Local Govt
Created 23/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 870 visits
Keith Rankin: A Universal Basic Income in New Zealand?
Created 23/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 813 visits
Sneaky Change to the TPP Drastically Extends Criminal Penalties
Created 27/02/2016 - Interesting Links - 953 visits
What Democrats Still Don’t Get About George McGovern
Created 04/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 1208 visits
Sanders, Clinton and the Democrats' Dilemma
Created 04/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 884 visits
Words matter: deconstructing ‘welfare dependency’
Created 07/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 913 visits
Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y’s income
Created 19/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 1174 visits
The Thing Sanders, Trump, and Clinton Agree On. It’s That Bad
Created 24/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 856 visits
Mossack Fonseca: The New Zealand Connection
Created 24/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 955 visits
A war of the generations is not a solution – hope is
Created 29/03/2016 - Interesting Links - 1005 visits
Labour: Lions or Pussycats? Reflections on the Future of Work conference
Created 01/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 871 visits
Bernard Hickey: How Kiwis get rich
Created 02/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 691 visits
Yanis Varoufakis - Interview with the Economist
Created 03/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 878 visits
Jesson Trust seeks alternative to ‘click-bait’
Created 07/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 869 visits
I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump
Created 07/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 1057 visits
Brian Fallow: When work isn't working
Created 07/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 1070 visits
Auckland - Mass Imprisonment Forum
Created 10/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 976 visits
Panama Papers: Mossack Fonsecca was a tax shelter nobody
Created 13/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 943 visits
No human rights issues
Created 21/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 920 visits
Auckland University’s links to sugar tax lobby group
Created 27/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 861 visits
What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money?
Created 28/04/2016 - Interesting Links - 1141 visits
CPAG - Nationwide Post-Budget Breakfast Series
Created 04/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 1022 visits
Can two leftwing gurus save Europe?
Created 04/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 1092 visits
Current Situation on the TPPA
Created 04/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 819 visits
Public Lecture - "The Trouble with ISDS" A/Prof Gus Van Harten
Created 04/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 1089 visits
The Revolution Will Be Digitized
Created 06/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 881 visits
The Panama Papers: Behind Mossack Fonseca's secret New Zealand deals
Created 06/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 938 visits
Noam Chomsky on the death of the American Dream
Created 07/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 922 visits
Taking us to the cleaners (2015)
Created 11/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 835 visits
Employment Law Forum Seminar: Discrimination Law
Created 11/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 1089 visits
Foreign trusts 101: a plain English introduction amid the Panama Paper haze
Created 18/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 879 visits
Gordon Campbell on the rise of the far right
Created 25/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 931 visits
Economic benefits of TPPA overstated
Created 25/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 945 visits
World Class: Inside NZ Education: a Special Report
Created 25/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 932 visits
What Trump’s Rise Means for Democracy
Created 26/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 1044 visits
JustSpeak - JustUs - Wellington - 9th June
Created 27/05/2016 - Interesting Links - 873 visits
You’re witnessing the death of neoliberalism – from within
Created 01/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 1203 visits
Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems
Created 05/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 1591 visits
JustSpeak: Youth justice special report
Created 08/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 872 visits
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity
Created 08/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 1041 visits
The Danger of Corporate Facial Recognition Tech
Created 11/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 1020 visits
Jane Kelsey: China-led trade agreement shrouded in deeper secrecy
Created 12/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 839 visits
Wall Street donors seek to block Warren VP pick
Created 20/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 979 visits
Trade agreements: UN rights expert shares warning
Created 26/06/2016 - Interesting Links - 839 visits
What's the role of social work: to change society or to help individuals?
Created 01/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 974 visits
Bryce Edwards' Political Roundup: New Zealand's revolting masses
Created 07/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 939 visits
JustSpeak - Mass Imprisonment events
Created 08/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 934 visits
Darrin Hodgetts - Welfare with a big stick
Created 12/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 1068 visits
Who's ruining the internet?
Created 14/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 987 visits
Laybying our Future: The State of Student Hardship in New Zealand
Created 14/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 913 visits
Why are working class Americans supporting Donald Trump?
Created 21/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 945 visits
Kevin McKenna: Why the powers that be fear Jeremy Corbyn
Created 23/07/2016 - Interesting Links - 920 visits
Employment Rights After Brexit
Created 01/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 1157 visits
ACCC's Rod Sims says privatisations 'severely damaging' economy
Created 01/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 1089 visits
It's just innovation - Marianne Elliot
Created 02/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 878 visits
Labour: The Way Ahead - Paul Mason
Created 02/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 1031 visits
CPAG Summit – "Investing in children"
Created 12/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 686 visits
Boycott Wilson NZ
Created 26/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 1239 visits
Ann Pettifor in New Zealand
Created 26/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 957 visits
Subdued NZ wage growth product of migration surge
Created 26/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 1005 visits
Created 26/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 1299 visits
Oscar Kightley: 'Unfairness at work continues, thanks to one u-turn'
Created 30/08/2016 - Interesting Links - 922 visits
ISDS - a Super Court for the Super Rich
Created 01/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1231 visits
The Secret Court That Lets Big Companies Bully Poor Countries
Created 02/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 928 visits
Lisa Marriott to Deliver 2016 Bruce Jesson Lecture
Created 04/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 864 visits
Hillary's problem, explained by technology
Created 06/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1248 visits
Fair trade vital for our industry to survive
Created 07/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 886 visits
Spy bill lacking some robust privacy protection
Created 08/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 844 visits
Get Ethical Kiwisaver
Created 08/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 921 visits
Ann Pettifor - Brexit, Globalisation and Implications for New Zealand
Created 08/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1013 visits
Part Two: The Billion Dollar Ultimatum
Created 08/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 995 visits
Jane Kelsey: Forget refresh - trade policy needs total rethink
Created 10/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 884 visits
2016’s Hackable Election
Created 10/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 902 visits
Ann Pettifor interview: Money, Brexit, globalisation & debt
Created 12/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 902 visits
Global trade deal threatens Paris climate goals, leaked documents show
Created 21/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1108 visits
Social housing, redevelopment & human rights
Created 21/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1192 visits
The Private Debt Crisis
Created 23/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1271 visits
RBA Governor urges government to invest in infrastructure
Created 24/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 927 visits
Jeremy Corbyn – a mainstream [Scandinavian] social democrat
Created 24/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1108 visits
Put Globalization to Work for Democracies
Created 25/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1347 visits
Sleepwalking into a big war
Created 26/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1039 visits
Scott Courtney's speech to [UK Labour] Annual Conference 2016
Created 27/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1030 visits
Rethinking macroeconomics before the next crisis
Created 27/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1167 visits
UN fears third link of GFC - epic debt defaults
Created 28/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1020 visits
Why class won't go away
Created 28/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1001 visits
More Wealth, More Jobs, but Not for Everyone: What Fuels the Backlash on Trade
Created 29/09/2016 - Interesting Links - 1351 visits
Crash and learn - should we change the way we teach economics
Created 02/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1293 visits
Desperate Central Bankers
Created 02/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 916 visits
The Labour Movement: My Part in its Downfall
Created 05/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1237 visits
John Key keeps lid on hidden billions
Created 05/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1072 visits
NZ Howard League For Penal Reform
Created 07/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1420 visits
TiSA called ‘worse than the TPPA’
Created 10/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 932 visits
Post-Capitalism and the City - Paul Mason
Created 11/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 933 visits
Ann Pettifor in New Zealand on the financialised economy
Created 11/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 903 visits
After becoming debt slaves millenials get blamed for lousy economy
Created 11/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 929 visits
Waka Paddle to Gas Pedal: The First Century of Auckland Transport
Created 12/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 942 visits
Changes to NZ spy laws not justified - ex-MP
Created 13/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1114 visits
Make America Grope Again?
Created 21/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1991 visits
UN calls for overthrow of free market ideology
Created 23/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1032 visits
How Democrats killed their populist soul
Created 25/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1378 visits
Uber loses right to classify UK drivers as self-employed
Created 28/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 1274 visits
Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops
Created 30/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 2113 visits
Let Them Eat Cake: On Playing At Poverty
Created 31/10/2016 - Interesting Links - 863 visits
Gordon Campbell on the last rites for the TPP
Created 02/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 917 visits
Another spy agency caught illegally hoarding metadata
Created 04/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 937 visits
The Good Society
Created 07/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1102 visits
TPPA is not a Dunne deal!
Created 08/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 851 visits
Naomi Klein - It was the rise of the Davos class that sealed America’s fate
Created 09/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1290 visits
Coal Action Network Aotearoa Newsletter
Created 10/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 851 visits
Elizabeth Warren on President-Elect Trump
Created 12/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1044 visits
Ann Pettifor - Make Finance the Servant, not the Master
Created 12/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 969 visits
What this means, how this happened, what to do now
Created 12/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 890 visits
Inequality Among Women Is Crucial to Understanding Hillary's Loss
Created 15/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 845 visits
World’s Biggest Real Estate Frenzy Is Coming to a City Near You
Created 15/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1013 visits
What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class
Created 20/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1057 visits
Helen Caldicott - Anti-nuclear warrior
Created 23/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 953 visits
The Treasury on Auckland and immigration
Created 23/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1039 visits
Trumpocalypse for the NZ political left
Created 24/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 803 visits
I can’t just stand by and watch Mark Zuckerberg destroy the internet.
Created 26/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 978 visits
More antibiotics in food production in NZ
Created 26/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 882 visits
book launch and housing discussion: Co-revolutionary Praxis
Created 27/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1232 visits
Fake news about fake news
Created 27/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1130 visits
TPPA Bulletin #92 December 2016
Created 28/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 856 visits
The courage to be utopian…
Created 29/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 888 visits
The Retreat from Hyper-Globalization
Created 30/11/2016 - Interesting Links - 1189 visits
2009: The year the Democratic Party died
Created 03/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 1058 visits
What's next for Bernie Sanders
Created 15/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 846 visits
Trump's Bait and Switch
Created 15/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 842 visits
The California Challenge - How (not) to regulate disruptive business models
Created 15/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 851 visits
Meet the precariat, the new global class fuelling the rise of populism
Created 26/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 1484 visits
The 5 biggest lies of global capitalism
Created 26/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 1153 visits
The precariat, populism and robots: is basic income a political imperative?
Created 26/12/2016 - Interesting Links - 973 visits
Peter Davis: Lessons of the Labour Party's little-noticed centenary
Created 01/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 1050 visits
Noam Chomsky - Trump And Decline Of The US Superpower
Created 08/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 978 visits
Tamaki Housing Group - Defend Glen Innes
Created 10/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 1470 visits
STOP Niki's Eviction
Created 10/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 1286 visits
Piketty - New data series on inequality and the collapse of bottom incomes
Created 15/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 805 visits
World Wealth & Income Database
Created 15/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 987 visits
Brexit: The Empire Strikes Back
Created 25/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 997 visits
Moral panic over fake news hides the real enemy – the digital giants
Created 26/01/2017 - Interesting Links - 1052 visits
What the 2016 election tells us about Obama Trump and what comes next
Created 09/02/2017 - Interesting Links - 947 visits
How Peter Thiel's Palantir helped the NSA spy on the whole world
Created 22/02/2017 - Interesting Links - 1122 visits
Eat your spinach - Tony Wood reviews three books on the new Cold War
Created 27/02/2017 - Interesting Links - 1016 visits
WikiLeaks, “Year Zero” and the CIA Hacking Files
Created 10/03/2017 - Interesting Links - 885 visits
Dumb and dumber – NZTA and AT decide to exclude trains to the airport
Created 28/03/2017 - Interesting Links - 865 visits
Ending the Empathy Gap
Created 28/03/2017 - Interesting Links - 1023 visits
Our economies run on housing bubbles
Created 05/04/2017 - Interesting Links - 918 visits
A New Era for Child and Youth Welfare
Created 08/04/2017 - Interesting Links - 967 visits
Toronto to impose 15% tax on foreign home buyers to regulate housing costs
Created 21/04/2017 - Interesting Links - 1002 visits
Sensing the bull in ‘business diversity’
Created 24/04/2017 - Interesting Links - 981 visits
American Airlines gave workers a raise. Wall St freaked out.
Created 02/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1042 visits
Getting The Robots To Pay Tax
Created 02/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 954 visits
Historical amnesia is undermining European democracy
Created 06/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 851 visits
Book Review: Game of Mates
Created 07/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 971 visits
Is Your City Being Sold Off to Global Elites?
Created 09/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1092 visits
30th anniversary of New Zealand’s iconic nuclear free zone law
Created 14/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1028 visits
Black Swans, Lame Ducks, and the mystery of IPE's missing macroeconomy
Created 16/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1101 visits
"Actually, competition and capitalism are opposites…"
Created 17/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1315 visits
The Rich Always Come Up With a Ridiculous Story to Justify Their Wealth
Created 17/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1069 visits
The Next System Project
Created 17/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1269 visits
How Trump Used Facebook to Win
Created 21/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1381 visits
JustSpeak and Mahi Tahi Akoranga Trust bring you Whiti Te Rā
Created 24/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 825 visits
Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s Address on Removal of Four Confederate Statues
Created 28/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 875 visits
Steve Keen: The coming crash
Created 29/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 977 visits
Hit and Run: Public Meeting with Jon Stephenson
Created 29/05/2017 - Interesting Links - 1229 visits
The Rise of Jeremy Corbyn and the Death Throes of Neoliberalism
Created 21/06/2017 - Interesting Links - 1266 visits
Government Data Matching in Oz
Created 21/06/2017 - Interesting Links - 876 visits
Why the Labour Party Student Intern ‘scandal’ is a smear
Created 23/06/2017 - Interesting Links - 881 visits
Investing In People and the Planet
Created 25/06/2017 - Interesting Links - 1143 visits
The New Working Class
Created 29/06/2017 - Interesting Links - 1078 visits
The rise of the thought leader
Created 01/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 953 visits
The Centrist Suicide Note
Created 01/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1062 visits
EU/US trade conflict threatens to escalate ahead of G20
Created 02/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 953 visits
Brian Fallow: What's wrong with giving the workers a fair go?
Created 06/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 929 visits
Reasons for Corbyn
Created 07/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 836 visits
Varoufakis: A New Deal for the 21st Century
Created 08/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 973 visits
The Politics of Self Esteem?
Created 08/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 898 visits
Revolt of the rustbelt - uk
Created 09/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 996 visits
Contracting prisoner rights to the lowest bidder
Created 11/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 905 visits
Calling Bullshit In the Age of Big Data
Created 14/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 4479 visits
Twitter and Tear Gas - The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest
Created 15/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1010 visits
The West can't smell what Eurasia is cooking
Created 15/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 775 visits
China and Europe: Reconnecting across a new Silk Road
Created 15/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1098 visits
Video: Naomi Klein and Jeremy Corbyn Discuss How to Get the World We Want
Created 15/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 862 visits
Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals
Created 17/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1103 visits
Justspeak - Auckland: Election Forum
Created 18/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1103 visits
A despot in disguise: one man’s mission to rip up democracy
Created 19/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1206 visits
Varoufakis - Adults In The Room: Taking On Europe’s Deep State
Created 21/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 879 visits
To My Fellow Plutocrats: You Can Cure Trumpism
Created 23/07/2017 - Interesting Links - 1052 visits
There’s no such thing as fair austerity
Created 01/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 865 visits
Jacinda Ardern's First General Debate Speech
Created 03/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 1193 visits
How Britain fell out of love with the free market
Created 07/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 1017 visits
The UBI Bait and Switch
Created 09/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 1060 visits
Hit & Run Inquiry
Created 16/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 602 visits
Labour hire companies a setback for employment
Created 16/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 823 visits
Auckland Living Wage Election Forum
Created 17/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 907 visits
Wellington Living Wage Election Forum
Created 17/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 871 visits
The Book that Explains Charlottesville
Created 19/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 898 visits
National’s TPPA-11 leaves four questions unanswered
Created 23/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 839 visits
The ‘business’ of state schooling in Aotearoa NZ
Created 26/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 992 visits
Promo: New Zealand, Polluted Paradise - People & Power
Created 28/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 936 visits
The New Socialism Of Fools
Created 29/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 925 visits
Mass tourism is at a tipping point – but we’re all part of the problem
Created 31/08/2017 - Interesting Links - 1345 visits
Ian Shirley - Public policy pioneer
Created 02/09/2017 - Interesting Links - 888 visits
RIP Stanislav Petrov
Created 19/09/2017 - Interesting Links - 962 visits
Buried Treasure
Created 22/09/2017 - Interesting Links - 1123 visits
Seven charts that show how the rich hide their cash
Created 28/09/2017 - Interesting Links - 987 visits
Digging Into Adani: The Dubious Dealings Of India's Corporate Colossus
Created 03/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 913 visits
Public opinion in the post-Brexit era: Economic attitudes in modern Britain
Created 03/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 791 visits
Chief Justice: ‘We need to be careful’
Created 10/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 818 visits
The New Taylorism - robots taken over work and jobs
Created 11/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 1085 visits
Rana Foroohar - The financial system is still blinking red
Created 11/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 876 visits
Jane Kelsey - Labour must address its own criticism of TPPA
Created 23/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 813 visits
Australian Federal Police Raid Union Offices
Created 25/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 887 visits
Back to the Future - Public Private Partnerships
Created 25/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 2319 visits
Across the generational divide in politics
Created 26/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 823 visits
The Real Story of Automation Beginning with One Simple Chart
Created 26/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 1024 visits
6th International Conference on Precarious Work and Vulnerable Workers
Created 30/10/2017 - Interesting Links - 1094 visits
Bernard Hickey - What happened without a foreign ban and CGT
Created 02/11/2017 - Interesting Links - 656 visits
Online: Medicine and Marx
Created 04/11/2017 - Interesting Links - 962 visits
The wilderness years: how UK Labour's left survived to conquer
Created 05/11/2017 - Interesting Links - 1337 visits
A new chapter for Ngāi Tūhoe
Created 05/11/2017 - Interesting Links - 825 visits
TPP: A slight improvement but deservedly still a zombie
Created 12/11/2017 - Interesting Links - 772 visits
Fonterra’s climate change fudge
Created 19/11/2017 - Interesting Links - 875 visits
Territorial vs consumption-based emissions
Created 04/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 749 visits
Urgent Attention All Anti-TPPA Activists
Created 05/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 774 visits
Argentina bans activists from WTO meeting
Created 05/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 927 visits
University students failed by rip-off fees, says watchdog
Created 10/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 866 visits
The Housing Crash and the End of American Citizenship
Created 10/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 1262 visits
Analysis: Debt anchor dragging Labour into PPPs
Created 14/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 838 visits
Speech to Law Foundation Awards Dinner
Created 18/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 813 visits
The United States of Petroleum
Created 18/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 859 visits
British elite at war with itself on scale never seen before
Created 19/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 1171 visits
The web began dying in 2014…
Created 21/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 1424 visits
If We Treat Plutocracy As Democracy, Democracy Dies
Created 22/12/2017 - Interesting Links - 782 visits
Why are Democrats so afraid of taxes?
Created 08/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 746 visits
Think our governments can no longer control capitalism? You’ve been duped
Created 11/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 866 visits
Heretics welcome! Economics needs a new Reformation
Created 11/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 962 visits
World War Three, by Mistake
Created 14/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 1456 visits
Who owns the high country?
Created 19/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 952 visits
Beyond Davos – in avalanche country – lies an inescapable fragility
Created 23/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 805 visits
It's not party structure preventing people joining Labor – it's ideas
Created 24/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 861 visits
How the Right’s War on Unions Is Killing the Democratic Party
Created 25/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 800 visits
American Democracy Sold To The Highest Bidder
Created 31/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 805 visits
The future of free trade agreements
Created 31/01/2018 - Interesting Links - 784 visits
(UK) Labour plans to make [landbankers] sell to state for fraction of value
Created 02/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 1071 visits
The Crisis Of (Nordic) Social Democracy
Created 09/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 803 visits
TPP-11/CPTPP – Let’s NOT do this!
Created 11/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 759 visits
What are the economic benefits for NZ of the CPTPP?
Created 11/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 805 visits
Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand
Created 15/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 1751 visits
Shareholder capitalism is in crisis - here's how we can fix it.
Created 18/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 796 visits
Labour plans migrant abuse inquiry
Created 18/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 793 visits
Retain the Sanctuary Mahi Whenua gardens and food forest
Created 19/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 744 visits
A Modern Greek Tragedy
Created 23/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 1002 visits
The Case Against Google
Created 23/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 1235 visits
What happened to Europe’s left? From proletariat to precariat.
Created 25/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 773 visits
Renting in NZ means always moving out and never moving up
Created 26/02/2018 - Interesting Links - 817 visits
Modern Monetary Theory Explained
Created 01/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 795 visits
MIT gives one-star review to Lyft, Uber over abysmal '$3.37/hr' pay
Created 06/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 901 visits
Our unthinking readiness to confront China
Created 07/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 742 visits
Without US, the TPP is a poor deal
Created 07/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 744 visits
How populist uprisings could bring down liberal democracy
Created 07/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 1013 visits
Have your say on the future of tax
Created 14/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 695 visits
Cory Doctorow talks machine learning and big data in NZ
Created 14/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 760 visits
Opinion: Megaupload case still a travesty of justice
Created 14/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 742 visits
Guy Standing - The Left should stop equating labour with work
Created 26/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 911 visits
Bottle and can deposit return scheme gets green light in England
Created 28/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 1252 visits
Rentier Capitalism And Basic Income
Created 29/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 761 visits
The true costs of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Created 29/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 678 visits
Bank financing of extreme fossil fuel soars, according to damning report
Created 30/03/2018 - Interesting Links - 722 visits
An unprotected and risky revolving door
Created 02/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 755 visits
Trade agreement may affect people’s health
Created 02/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 771 visits
Justice in Nauru curtailed as government abolishes appeal system
Created 02/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 800 visits
The crisis is all around us, and so are the solutions
Created 04/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 720 visits
Getting Wasted
Created 10/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 723 visits
The case to borrow and invest
Created 11/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 724 visits
Ann Pettifor: 'Rent-seeking investments alter our culture'
Created 16/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 705 visits
There’s a bigger brother watching you - and profiting from it
Created 16/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 788 visits
The Labour Market Basis For Populism
Created 16/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 703 visits
Damning Analysis of PPP's by UK National Audit Office
Created 17/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 940 visits
Government living by someone else’s rules
Created 27/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 705 visits
Democratic Party paying millions for Hilary Clinton's email list
Created 28/04/2018 - Interesting Links - 785 visits
California Gig Economy
Created 02/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 717 visits
Why the TPPA-11 is still a bad deal
Created 02/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 688 visits
The Coming Budget: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Created 02/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 647 visits
Can Yanis Varoufakis Save Europe?
Created 06/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 647 visits
KiwiBuild could save St James Theatre
Created 07/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 695 visits
Democrats Take Aim at the Gig Economy
Created 10/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 791 visits
Bill McKibben: Climate Change still 'near the beginning'
Created 11/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 682 visits
Kiwis want to pay more tax
Created 13/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 649 visits
The biggest missed opportunity in a generation
Created 20/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 727 visits
Why we should bulldoze the business school
Created 21/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 4128 visits
Stephanie Kelton Has The Biggest Idea In Washington
Created 21/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 807 visits
From Neoliberal Ruins To Recovery: Iceland Is Real Poster-Boy
Created 23/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 703 visits
How Britain let Russia hide its dirty money
Created 27/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 899 visits
In Britain, Austerity Is Changing Everything
Created 28/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 1345 visits
UK Labour & the Single Market
Created 31/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 838 visits
The Missing Music of the Left
Created 31/05/2018 - Interesting Links - 835 visits
A terrible idea
Created 14/06/2018 - Interesting Links - 673 visits
The biggest legal crisis facing Uber started with a pile of vomit
Created 14/06/2018 - Interesting Links - 1028 visits
What an attack on journalism feels like
Created 17/06/2018 - Interesting Links - 753 visits
Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong
Created 19/06/2018 - Interesting Links - 949 visits
Welcome to New Zealand Public Television!
Created 20/06/2018 - Interesting Links - 755 visits
CPAG's 2018 Annual General Meeting Followed by guest speaker Len Cook
Created 21/06/2018 - Interesting Links - 642 visits
No shame in universalist agenda
Created 05/07/2018 - Interesting Links - 723 visits
The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster Is Still Unfolding
Created 11/07/2018 - Interesting Links - 1120 visits
Working for Families is corporate welfare
Created 12/07/2018 - Interesting Links - 890 visits
Working for Families perversely misunderstood
Created 15/07/2018 - Interesting Links - 729 visits
...which really makes you wonder why we don't have a similar law here.
Created 27/07/2018 - Interesting Links - 616 visits
The Side Eye: Inequality Tower 2018
Created 02/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 1202 visits
Being wealthy isn't too taxing, finds Inland Revenue study
Created 02/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 740 visits
THE CORBYN PROJECT - Public Capital and Labour’s New Deal
Created 05/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 862 visits
The Organiser
Created 10/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 1011 visits
He Toa Takitini: Strength in Diversity
Created 12/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 565 visits
Elizabeth Warren has a plan to save capitalism
Created 19/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 745 visits
Denys Trussell - Ecology & Socialism - 1976
Created 22/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 710 visits
Saudi Arabia plans to execute first female political activist
Created 22/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 712 visits
Gordon Campbell on MP pay and the REAL p.c. danger zone
Created 22/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 633 visits
The Way to Paradise
Created 23/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 709 visits
Party Crashers
Created 23/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 751 visits
A Country Is Not a Company
Created 30/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 1079 visits
Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism's Imminent Demise
Created 31/08/2018 - Interesting Links - 647 visits
Online elections cannot be trusted
Created 01/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 609 visits
How America Killed Transit
Created 02/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 720 visits
The Labour Government's Inquiries & Research Initiatives
Created 03/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 572 visits
InternetNZ is calling for debate on Five Eyes recommendation
Created 03/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 642 visits
The end of the oceans
Created 06/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 727 visits
New Laws Pass Parliament To Make Renting Fair
Created 06/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 603 visits
The real Goldfinger: the London banker who broke the world
Created 08/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 813 visits
New maps show staggering political divide between generations in Britain
Created 09/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 780 visits
Five-Eyes Intelligence Services Choose Surveillance Over Security
Created 11/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 965 visits
Repost: Geoff Bertram - [Electricity] Asset Values and Regulation
Created 12/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 1078 visits
Comment: Our landed Parliament
Created 12/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 617 visits
IRD chases students while speculators go free
Created 12/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 670 visits
$5.4 billion in “excess profits” for energy generators
Created 13/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 688 visits
What An Alternative & Progressive Trade Strategy Should Look Like
Created 26/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 592 visits
Future To Fight For Podcast
Created 29/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 717 visits
Telling a new story about “child poverty” in New Zealand
Created 30/09/2018 - Interesting Links - 740 visits
‘We Are Not Here to Manage Capitalism’: Labour Takes a Socialist Turn
Created 03/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 640 visits
The Economic Alternative
Created 11/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 633 visits
Gordon Campbell on why the highly educated tend to vote centre-left
Created 15/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 608 visits
Reminder: Saudi Arabia kidnapped people from New Zealand
Created 19/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 590 visits
An Alternative History of Silicon Valley Disruption
Created 22/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 1172 visits
How tax havens are putting our economies at risk
Created 24/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 651 visits
Big Guns
Created 24/10/2018 - Interesting Links - 704 visits
Why The Left Must Talk About Migration
Created 02/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 749 visits
Texas is a Purple State Now. The Proof is in Last Night’s Results.
Created 09/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 615 visits
The Finnish Basic Income Experiment – Correcting The Narrative
Created 09/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 682 visits
The idea of intellectual property is nonsensical and pernicious
Created 12/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 732 visits
Social Europe Is A Myth
Created 12/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 717 visits
Why do we care what our politicians get paid?
Created 18/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 634 visits
How the online business model encourages prejudice
Created 19/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 761 visits
Mayor Goff: First among unequals
Created 20/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 593 visits
Some myths about NZ Super
Created 22/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 705 visits
Save Shakti Wellington Refuge
Created 26/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 966 visits
The Snowden Legacy, part one: What’s changed, really?
Created 26/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 978 visits
Climate Change: Magic Beans
Created 27/11/2018 - Interesting Links - 570 visits
Gordon Campbell: five lingering questions on the Huawei ban
Created 03/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 567 visits
The Hardest Glass Ceiling in Politics
Created 08/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 680 visits
New smelter supports Big Electricity’s growth ambitions
Created 08/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 590 visits
Manifesto For The Democratization Of Europe
Created 12/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 639 visits
The GCSB appear to be breaking the law again
Created 13/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 552 visits
The Public Ownership Solution
Created 14/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 662 visits
UK Capitalism in the Dock
Created 15/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 610 visits
The antidote to civilisational collapse
Created 27/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 665 visits
Progressive alternatives needed as failed TPPA model enters
Created 30/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 658 visits
The Attack on Public Housing
Created 31/12/2018 - Interesting Links - 689 visits
What Would An Alternative Trade Policy For New Zealand Look Like?
Created 08/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 669 visits
Mass immigration and the growth of inequality
Created 08/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 600 visits
NZ's fisheries management system 'puts the fox in charge of the henhouse'
Created 10/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 621 visits
The Club and the Mob
Created 12/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 942 visits
Is the US planning to wage war on russia and china?
Created 16/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 545 visits
The Swedish face of inequality
Created 17/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 707 visits
The goal is to automate us: welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism
Created 21/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 597 visits
Should the super-rich pay 70% tax rate above $10m?
Created 26/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 621 visits
Davos - World Economic Forum: a history and analysis
Created 26/01/2019 - Interesting Links - 513 visits
Why top rates of income tax should be much higher
Created 06/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 647 visits
On why we shouldn’t support the US-led coup in Venezuela
Created 07/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 586 visits
‘Let’s do this’ in a holding pattern
Created 10/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 659 visits
Oram: Red herrings and wrong notes from Nats climate change spokesperson
Created 10/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 568 visits
The dangers of stronger DNA profiling laws
Created 12/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 610 visits
Capital gains tax - a vested interest
Created 19/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 595 visits
The alleged crisis over our relations with China
Created 19/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 525 visits
It is time to restore the wage share
Created 20/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 670 visits
An inevitable division: the politics and consequences of the Labour split
Created 21/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 690 visits
The unbearable unrealism of the present
Created 26/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 571 visits
The last will and testament of oil and gas
Created 26/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 611 visits
Reactionary Misinterpretations of the Venezuela Crisis
Created 27/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 573 visits
Emmerson - The Kiwi Way…
Created 28/02/2019 - Interesting Links - 752 visits
Want a reason to support a capital gains tax?
Created 01/03/2019 - Interesting Links - 628 visits
Kate Raworth: a good doughnut
Created 14/03/2019 - Interesting Links - 630 visits
Ban All Automatic Weapons
Created 17/03/2019 - Interesting Links - 549 visits
Gordon Campbell on effective changes to gun laws and the SIS
Created 17/03/2019 - Interesting Links - 620 visits
Tomorrow’s Schools Review Survey 2019
Created 18/03/2019 - Interesting Links - 587 visits
The destruction of the Earth is a crime. It should be prosecuted
Created 29/03/2019 - Interesting Links - 916 visits
Socialist Gains in Chicago Elections
Created 06/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 606 visits
What does the public really think about a capital gains tax?
Created 12/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 651 visits
Heading for extinction and what to do about
Created 15/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 633 visits
Beware corporate welfare in disguise
Created 16/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 564 visits
Gordon Campbell on scrapping the capital gains tax
Created 18/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 519 visits
Jonathan Pie reports on The Extinction Rebellion
Created 19/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 782 visits
Digital persuasion and the dark places of democracy
Created 23/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 562 visits
How Winz debt collection arms the ‘war on the poor’
Created 23/04/2019 - Interesting Links - 721 visits
{jcomments on}
News Corp: Democracy’s greatest threat
Created 01/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 664 visits
Wellbeing Govt’s empathy for the rich
Created 06/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 554 visits
An open letter to Extinction Rebellion
Created 06/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 621 visits
Is there a path out of ratcheting mid-east and geo-strategic tensions
Created 07/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 521 visits
Pre-budget Breakfast Briefing with Berl
Created 08/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 474 visits
Doughnut Economics: Kate Raworth
Created 08/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 573 visits
Justice Is Served - Auckland
Created 09/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 485 visits
Justice is Served
Created 09/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 515 visits
Stop eating fish. It’s the only way to save the life in our seas
Created 22/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 796 visits
Inside AirBnB
Created 24/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 1461 visits
The EU is a doomed empire
Created 31/05/2019 - Interesting Links - 599 visits
Clubs, Cartels and Bilderberg
Created 01/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 497 visits
Uber’s Path of Destruction
Created 08/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 460 visits
Facial recognition tech is arsenic in the water of democracy, says Liberty
Created 08/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 829 visits
Are your tinned tomatoes picked by slave labour?
Created 22/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 1285 visits
Stopping the race to the bottom on wages may see us all win
Created 26/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 564 visits
‘Socialism for the rich’: the evils of bad economics
Created 27/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 766 visits
The new left economics: how a network of thinkers is transforming capitalism
Created 27/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 785 visits
How Phil Twyford lost housing and why KiwiBuild failed
Created 30/06/2019 - Interesting Links - 539 visits
Gun Control NZ
Created 02/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 805 visits
Gordon Campbell on the US's Operation Burnham evidence
Created 02/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 526 visits
Why Facebook's Libra currency gets the thumbs down
Created 03/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 1430 visits
Is it time for a programme of mass state house building?
Created 05/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 778 visits
Britannia Waives the Rules
Created 05/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 507 visits
Political Roundup: How to achieve transformational change in politics
Created 10/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 899 visits
When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez met Greta Thunberg: 'Hope is contagious'
Created 14/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 635 visits
How the Plastics Industry Is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World
Created 27/07/2019 - Interesting Links - 906 visits
The building case for big and long fiscal stimulus everywhere
Created 07/08/2019 - Interesting Links - 516 visits
Is fair trade finished?
Created 07/08/2019 - Interesting Links - 817 visits
The disinformation age: a revolution in propaganda
Created 10/08/2019 - Interesting Links - 730 visits
Three Decades of Rich List Growth
Created 04/09/2019 - Interesting Links - 515 visits
Politics in the age of data
Created 08/09/2019 - Interesting Links - 578 visits
Planetary Accounting
Created 16/09/2019 - Interesting Links - 528 visits
Russel Norman to deliver 2019 Bruce Jesson Lecture
Created 30/09/2019 - Interesting Links - 841 visits
Entries close soon for 2019 Jesson journalism awards
Created 30/09/2019 - Interesting Links - 462 visits
The 'Rottenomics' of the $47 billion leaky homes market failure
Created 04/10/2019 - Interesting Links - 703 visits
An odious bill
Created 16/10/2019 - Interesting Links - 480 visits
The economist who forgot everything he learned
Created 16/10/2019 - Interesting Links - 586 visits
The global soda tax experiment
Created 18/10/2019 - Interesting Links - 834 visits
This man is disrupting the cult of the billionaire
Created 21/10/2019 - Interesting Links - 656 visits
How key Republicans inside Facebook are shifting its politics to the right
Created 03/11/2019 - Interesting Links - 777 visits
Gordon Campbell on giving the Police unnecessary new powers
Created 06/11/2019 - Interesting Links - 436 visits
The anti-trust case against Facebook
Created 06/11/2019 - Interesting Links - 483 visits
Inequality and the Climate Crisis
Created 10/11/2019 - Interesting Links - 496 visits
Why “OK boomer” generational warfare is a dead-end
Created 18/11/2019 - Interesting Links - 792 visits
Are ‘secret trials’ happening in Australia more than we think?
Created 22/11/2019 - Interesting Links - 560 visits
The Dubai of the Sth Pacific in Reporoa
Created 18/12/2019 - Interesting Links - 550 visits
The Center Blows Itself Up: Care and Spite in the ‘Brexit Election’
Created 15/01/2020 - Interesting Links - 672 visits
The crucial difference between Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn
Created 15/01/2020 - Interesting Links - 537 visits
A casual attitude towards transparency
Created 22/01/2020 - Interesting Links - 471 visits
Against a carbon bailout
Created 22/01/2020 - Interesting Links - 457 visits
No weapon left behind: the American hybrid war on China
Created 27/02/2020 - Interesting Links - 503 visits
Don/t hold your breath for World War III World War IV has already begun
Created 28/02/2020 - Interesting Links - 469 visits
The storm we can't see - what's coming in the US
Created 12/05/2020 - Interesting Links - 514 visits
Corporate Power, Protests and the Breakdown of a Social Contract
Created 05/06/2020 - Interesting Links - 478 visits
5 Economists Redefining… Everything. Oh Yes, And They’re Women
Created 05/06/2020 - Interesting Links - 480 visits
Flailing States: Pankaj Mishtra on Anglo-America
Created 16/07/2020 - Interesting Links - 555 visits
Left Economics from Below?
Created 27/08/2020 - Interesting Links - 421 visits
What's the real price of saving a life?
Created 27/08/2020 - Interesting Links - 497 visits
Breaking out of neoliberalism’s ‘iron cage’
Created 07/09/2020 - Interesting Links - 428 visits
Laura Rapira-O'Connell: Moving the rock
Created 14/10/2020 - Interesting Links - 410 visits
Michael Hudson - Inflation and Illegal Repo Loans
Created 15/01/2022 - Interesting Links - 292 visits
Pepe Escobar: After Kazakhstan, the color revolution era is over
Created 16/01/2022 - Interesting Links - 258 visits
Michael Hudson - Will the global south break free from dollarized debt?
Created 10/06/2022 - Interesting Links - 261 visits
Alastair Crooke - War makes for clarity
Created 30/06/2022 - Interesting Links - 281 visits
Jacques Baud - The goal is not to hep Ukraine, but to fight Putin
Created 02/07/2022 - Interesting Links - 237 visits
Michael Hudson - A Depression is Coming
Created 02/07/2022 - Interesting Links - 266 visits
Eric Li - The New Economy in China - the past 20 years and the next 20 years
Created 12/07/2022 - Interesting Links - 269 visits
Jacques Baud: Operation Z
Created 03/09/2022 - Interesting Links - 307 visits
Michael Hudson: A Roadmap to Escape the West's Stranglehold
Created 07/10/2022 - Interesting Links - 244 visits
Politics by other means: Putin and Clausewitz
Created 07/10/2022 - Interesting Links - 253 visits
The changing world order with declining western influence
Created 13/10/2022 - Interesting Links - 261 visits
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