SQ Transp 2048

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The 5th Labour Government - Lessons from a Time of Challenges

 Registration is closed for this event
Income-related rents, Labour Relations Act, top tax rate increase, Cullen Fund, Lowest public debt, Kiwisaver, KiwiRail, Kiwibank, Supreme Court, Auckland – a single city, Removal of UK titles, Kept out of Iraq, Security Council bid, China FTA, started Emissions Trading Scheme, Rugby World Cup, Maori TV, High country purchases, Working for Families, Early Childhood Education, Bottom income quintile gain, Paid parental leave, 4 weeks statutory leave, 15% real incomes increase, Anti-obesity school initiative, Child discipline act, Civil unions, Prostitution Law, Fonterra established, Telecom split, interest-free student loans


1pm Welcome: Paul Chalmers The government we worked hard to get

Hon Sir Michael Cullen: A Return to Orthodoxy

Hon Margaret Wilson: Fulfilling an Agenda


2.15pm Panel.

Dot Kettle: Prime Minister's office

Mike Williams: Campaign and Presidency

Hon David Parker:  Unfinished business               

3pm Question and Answer 

4pm Michael Cullen: Issues for the future

Paul wraps and thanks

Wine and pizza outside the theatre.

5pm end

October 30th, 2016 from  1:00 PM to  5:00 PM
1 McDonald Street
Auckland Polish Society
Auckland, AUK 1025
New Zealand